An update for anyone following this topic...
A Neighbour just purchased a 2008 Hilux SR so I was able to connect a Techstream computer and SG2 to it to see what parameters it supported and checked a few SG codes to confirm they work.
His Hilux even though 2008 on the registration was reporting as a 2006 on the ECM data so info seems to be relevant from 2006 KWPF/ISO versions through to the MY11 facelift update to CANSF.
I was able to communicate with both the Engine ECM and transmission TCM via the SG2 using the Headers 8210F1 and 8219F1 as per first part of the TXD in previous post (so promising).
The ECM & TCM Live Data lists on Techstream had all the standard parameters on the facelift 4 Speed models, which again was promising that they can be accessed with an SG:
[Engine Live] System
[Parameter] [Value] [Unit]
Vehicle Speed 0 km/h
Engine Speed 766 rpm
Calculate Load 14.5 %
MAF 9.43 gm/sec
Atmosphere Pressure 98 kPa(abs)
MAP 99 kPa
Coolant Temp 61 C
Intake Air 25 C
Intake Air Temp (Turbo) 40 C
Engine Run Time 99 s
Initial Engine Coolant Temp 59.3 C
Initial Intake Air Temp 39.3 C
Battery Voltage 14.1 V
Alternate Duty Ratio 41 %
Accel Position 0.00 %
Accel Sens. No.1 Volt % 15.6 %
Accel Sens. No.2 Volt % 31.7 %
Accel Sensor Out No.1 0.8 V
Accel Sensor Out No.2 1.5 V
Actual Throttle Position 82 %
Throttle Close Learning Val. 17.1 deg
Diesel Throttle Learn Status OK
Injection Volume 7.85 mm3/st
Inj. FB Vol. for Idle -2.00 mm3/st
Inj Vol Feedback Learning 0.0 mm3/st
Injection Feedback Val #1 0.3 mm3/st
Injection Feedback Val #2 0.0 mm3/st
Injection Feedback Val #3 0.4 mm3/st
Injection Feedback Val #4 -1.5 mm3/st
Pilot 1 Injection Period 428 us
Pilot 2 Injection Period 439 us
Main Injection Period 608 us
After Injection Period 0 us
Pilot 1 Injection Timing -18.7 deg
Pilot 2 Injection Timing -11.8 deg
Main Injection Timing 3.0 deg
After Injection Timing 0.0 deg
Injection Pressure Correction 9.4 mm3/st
Target Common Rail Pressure 34290 kPa(abs)
Fuel Press 33950 kPag
Common Rail Pres Sens 2 32920 kPa(abs)
Fuel Temperature 42 C
Target Pump SCV Current 1024.2 mA
Target EGR Position 26.2 %
EGR Lift Sensor Volt % 44.9 %
EGR Close Learn Val. 0.73 V
EGR Close Lrn. Val. 0.73 V
EGR Close Lrn. Status OK
VN Turbo Command 90 %
VN Turbo Type Commo
VN Turbo Max Angle 99.6 %
VN Turbo Min Angle 39.8 %
Starter Signal OFF
Neutral Position SW Signal ON
Stop Light Switch OFF
A/C Signal OFF
Check Mode OFF
Complete Parts Monitor Avail
Fuel System Monitor Avail
Fuel System Monitor Result Compl
Misfire Monitor Not Avl
EGR/VVT Monitor Avail
EGR/VVT Monitor Compl
O2S(A/FS) Heater Monitor Not Avl
O2S(A/FS) Heater Monitor Compl
O2S(A/FS) Monitor Not Avl
O2S(A/FS) Monitor Compl
A/C Monitor Not Avl
A/C Monitor Compl
2nd Air Monitor Not Avl
2nd Air Monitor Compl
EVAP Monitor Not Avl
EVAP Monitor Compl
Heated Catalyst Monitor Not Avl
Heated Catalyst Monitor Compl
Catalyst Monitor Not Avl
Catalyst Monitor Compl
# Codes(Include History) 0
MIL ON Run Distance 0 km
Running Time from MIL ON 0 min
Time after DTC Cleared 233 min
Distance from DTC Cleared 96 km
Warmup Cycle Cleared DTC 12
OBD Requirements EOBD (Euro OBD)
Number of Emission DTC 0
TC and TE1 OFF
Swirl Control Valve VSV ON
Model Code KUN#
Engine Type 1KDFTV
Cylinder Number 4
Transmission Type ECT 4th
Destination Q
Model Year 2006
System Identification Diesel
Received MIL from ECT OFF
Shift Position Sig from ECT 1st
A/T Oil Temp from ECT 36.8 C
SPD (NO) 0 rpm
Cancel Switch OFF
[ECT Live] System
[Parameter] [Value] [Unit]
Vehicle Speed 0 km/h
Engine Speed 0 rpm
Calculate Load 0.0 %
Coolant Temp 57 C
Engine Run Time 0 s
Battery Voltage 11.8 V
Starter Signal OFF
Neutral Position SW Signal ON
Stop Light Switch OFF
Check Mode OFF
SPD Test Result Compl
Complete Parts Monitor Not Avl
Fuel System Monitor Not Avl
Fuel System Monitor Result Compl
Misfire Monitor Not Avl
EGR/VVT Monitor Not Avl
EGR/VVT Monitor Compl
O2S(A/FS) Heater Monitor Not Avl
O2S(A/FS) Heater Monitor Compl
O2S(A/FS) Monitor Not Avl
O2S(A/FS) Monitor Compl
A/C Monitor Not Avl
A/C Monitor Compl
2nd Air Monitor Not Avl
2nd Air Monitor Compl
EVAP Monitor Not Avl
EVAP Monitor Compl
Heated Catalyst Monitor Not Avl
Heated Catalyst Monitor Compl
Catalyst Monitor Not Avl
Catalyst Monitor Compl
# Codes(Include History) 0
MIL ON Run Distance 0 km
Running Time from MIL ON 0 min
Time after DTC Cleared 255 min
Distance from DTC Cleared 96 km
Warmup Cycle Cleared DTC 12
OBD Requirements EOBD (Euro OBD)
Number of Emission DTC 0
Model Code KUN#
Transmission (Engine) Type A340
Cylinder Number 4
Transmission Type ECT 4th
Destination W
Model Year 2006
System Identification Diesel
Engine Speed from EFI 0 rpm
Intake-Air Temp from EFI 32 C
Coolant Temp from EFI 57 C
Accel Position from EFI 0.0 %
Injection Volume from EFI 0.00 mm3/st
SPD (NC0) 0 rpm
SPD (SP2) 0 km/h
Shift SW Status (R Range) OFF
Shift SW Status (2 Range) OFF
Shift SW Status (L Range) OFF
Shift SW Status (D Range) OFF
Shift SW Status (3 Range) OFF
A/T Oil Temperature 3 33.7 C
Lock Up OFF
SL/SLU/DSL Solenoid Status OFF
Shift Status 1st
SLT Solenoid Status ON
I confirmed both codes in the previous post worked and that the TCM appears to be using the same 21D9 code for the Trans Pan Temp and 21DA for the Current Gear and TC Lock status as both were supported.
I got a valid response from 21DA and could see the gear changes and TC lock status changes using this code:
TXD: 8219F121DA
RXF: 0319046105DA
RXD: 2808
MTH: 000100010000
Name: GEL
P/N/R/1st report a 1 then 2, 3, 4 on upshift with TC unlocked.
As I didn't separate the TCL, when it locked in 4th the gear nunber went to 20 (lock bit setting added 16 to gear number).
21D9 was not responding on the SG2, so my current assumption is that because it is longer than 7 bytes (in the facelift CANSF version) the SG firmware is not able to process or does it a different way, but I need to do a bit more experimenting when I can get to the Hilux again.
hope this is useful