Ive got a LHD 4x4 Pickup from the USA

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Ive got a LHD 4x4 Pickup from the USA

Postby DangderD2 on Sat, 20 Jan 2024 5:56 +0000

Hello all,

Dennis from the States here.
This is my first post here and i have a tale to tell...

I have imported my 1993 Toyota 4x4 pickup from the States. We don't call them Hilux there and never have but she's a Hilux for arguments sake. I've had her since 1996 and couldn't part with her when I moved here. Totally emotional, irrational, and expensive decision on my part!! Nonetheless, she's here now.

Back in 2003, I did a MAJOR overhaul on her. After thrashing her thru mud, rocks, sand, and snow all over the US, she was a little worse for wear. I torched the IFS, did a SAS swap with a 1985 front axle from a 22re pickup ('85 was the last year for solid front axles on any US 4x4 Yotas). I put 56" long rear leafs and triangulated the rear shocks. All up she's got a 5+" lift in the front and 6+" out back. Flexes like nobody's business! I built the suspension to rock crawl Moab. She's rolling on 35x18 Nitto Mud Grapplers.

I yarded out the tired old 3.0L V6 and swapped in a 2012 3.4l petrol V6 and topped it off with the 2nd Gen TRD Supercharger. I definitely didn't want to run short on power anymore!! No diesels in the States. This is mated up to 4.56 gears front and rear.

Other than that, she's pretty stock. No big bumpers or winch, I took her spotties off. She's got an old tube rear bumper.

So...now that she's here, she's old enough to keep LHD but I'm afraid her lift height and other mods are too over the top to be legal in Victoria. Even on club plates. I've done a bit of research but all I've found is the standard 75mm crap.

Does anyone here have any knowledge or advice about how i can keep her close to her current size and be somewhat legal? She's my Mini Monster Truck and turns heads wherever she goes!!! Am I looking at a trailer queen that I can't drive anywhere? I REALLY don't want to have to undo much of what I've done and turn her into a run of the mill Hilux on 33's if I can help it. Surely there's some loophole or grandfathering clause that would apply? I'll post a pic once I familiarize myself with the forum.

Any info would be really helpful. Thanks in advance!
Cheers mates!
I've 'Wheel'd the World over, and the only thing left to do is 'Wheel some more!
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Re: Ive got a LHD 4x4 Pickup from the USA

Postby Rob_Wood on Sat, 20 Jan 2024 7:48 +0000

Most states & territories have already, or are in the process of closing these "loopholes" you're discussing. A little bit of research MIGHT find you somewhere that hasn't quite completed this process.
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Re: Ive got a LHD 4x4 Pickup from the USA

Postby Chopps on Sun, 21 Jan 2024 3:47 +0000

Welcome to Australia

For posting pics you need an image hosting 3rd party website. Upload images there then use image links to post here
The link at the bottom of the page imgHOSTR is FREE

You could try going to VASS signatory engineer to certify her with LHD but as for the lift and tyres :o
If worst comes to worst she's a beautiful trailer queen :D

Have a chat to an authorised engineer here: https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/registration/modify-or-build-a-vehicle/vehicle-assessment-signatory-scheme-approval-certificate
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Re: Ive got a LHD 4x4 Pickup from the USA

Postby 241steve on Sun, 21 Jan 2024 3:51 +0000

it still has to comply to the rules. You'll need an engineers certificate to get it registered it has to pass a road worthy .It'll cost you shitloads to pass if it ever does with 33's.
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Re: Ive got a LHD 4x4 Pickup from the USA

Postby DangderD2 on Tue, 23 Jan 2024 3:01 +0000

Thanks Rob_Wood, Chopps, & 241Steve. You’ve replied with much of what I expected and feared! She’s a labor of love and has robbed me blind throughout our relationship! I figure I’m in to her for at least 60k so far not counting fuel, insurance, and odds and ends so why stop now I figure?!?! Experience has taught me that most problems can be solved by the judicious application of dollars. So I’ll keep that in mind while I navigate the red tape to get her legal! Thanks again guys, happy trails!
I've 'Wheel'd the World over, and the only thing left to do is 'Wheel some more!
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