Dual cab anchorage / lap-sash belt

General discussion of basically anything related to the 1988 - 2005 Hilux

Dual cab anchorage / lap-sash belt

Postby Selai on Fri, 28 Oct 2011 8:17 +0000

My 2001 lux only has a lap belt in the middle back seat (and I have 3 kids). At the moment I have the 9 year old in the front seat, the 6yo in the lap-sash in the back, the baby seat using the other lap-sash. I want all 3 kids in the back if possible. The only option for this at the moment seems to be a dual cab anchorage up the centre from the bottom of the rear window up to above the rear window.

I had a look around and some places are selling the DCA metal frame for around $200-300 DIY price. I've had a couple quotes $550 including installation and $435 inc installation. Both are blue plate certified and can provide certification. Getting another quote tomorrow. However, this anchorage point will only be used for maybe 2 years with a h-harness which is up to 32kg. My kids will outgrow the h-harness soon and I am not sure where that will leave me.

Has anyone here fitted a lap-sash for the back middle seat? I was told by one fella that only the original backseats will fit in the lux but I've seen people here talk about fitting other seats. Do some seats come with in-built lap-sash belts? What about racing car harnesses, they use anchor points don't they - would this be a suitable (and legal) option for the middle lap belt?
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Re: Dual cab anchorage / lap-sash belt

Postby Selai on Sat, 03 Dec 2011 8:02 +0000

Problem solved : ) Finally found a guy that was willing to get creative with a solution rather than just stand there and shake his head like the 20 other people I tracked down before I found this dude. He spoke to an auto engineer in another town and between the two of them they came up with a custom mod for the centre rear seat that allowed them to legally mount a sash seatbelt. I have a blue plate too and all. I am chuffed, it was worth the $1500. Now I don't have to bother with the DCA metal frame and H harness which the kids would have outgrown in a couple of years.
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Joined: Thu, 20 Oct 2011 4:00 +0000
Location: Far North QLD

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