But now its time for round 2 as i need to fix/upgrade a few things. Mainly smaller mods that have been bugging me. But afew bigger things also.
I use my lux offroad nearlly every weekend and try to do at least 3 big trips a year so she is deffinatley gets used and has the scars to show it!!

Soften rear suspension for more flex (used to have canopy & draws so running heavy duty leafs)
New brakes all round
Exhaust and headers (MR

Rear quarter panel chop and raise ARB rear bar to suit (Gonna have to mod the shit out of that ARB grader bar!!)
Fit a water tank somewhere
Better interior lights
second battery and lights in the rear gullwing tool box
K&N filter
Find out where all the squeaks, squells and clunks are coming from..

Oh yeah.. it's a May 2005 build SR5 V6