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Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Thu, 07 Aug 2008 1:24 +0000
by Dave
Hi everyone

If all goes to plan, in a couple of weeks we should have the new forum ready for use.

It will basically replace this existing one and it'll support multiple categories, be much better for searching, posting, replying, attaching photos, checking for what new posts are up since last time logged in and all sorts.

It's going to take a bit of time to get the data converted over, but it's going to happen.. all the current topics will be put into one category for now until all posts are sorted and moved into their appropriate new areas, which will take time.

I am on the look out for moderators, who would like a job to help protect and serve the community forum? PM me your interest and I'll consider you.. I will be appointing 2 people for now but maybe one other down the track.


Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Thu, 07 Aug 2008 1:29 +0000
by WTF
Nice idea Dave.

Still loving the site.

Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Thu, 07 Aug 2008 1:44 +0000
by Skog07
Second WTF. But you spoilt the party, as a moderator this should be the 2000th topic and not the 1999th!!!!!!!
I reckon you should change it.
This forum is 100% great as it is and it should be fun to watch it transform to the new format.
Thanks for all the hard work, and I am very happy to re subscribe when the renewals come up.
Mark Skog.

Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Thu, 07 Aug 2008 11:21 +0000
by 9W6VX
Good to hear of the impending changes Dave.

We'll be happy with the advanced search capabilities et al.

Looking forward to it then.



Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 12:48 +0000
by Skeney

Keep up the good work!

Let me know if I can assist.



Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 3:34 +0000
by Macca
Dave, you have done a great job, hard to believe you can offer improvements, I guess as time passes more improvements become available.
No doubt we all will look forward to the upgrades.

Thinking about moderators....
Someone that deserves recognition for their experience, skills and diplomacy on this and other forums.
Also as a great bloke, is our own 9w6vx.
That is if he has the time to help you out.

Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 3:37 +0000
by McSumWay
I second that

Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 4:02 +0000
by bj343
another vote for the gate keeper

Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 8:36 +0000
by shane308
Dave you've done a great job on this site and the other Newxxxx sites so I have no reson to doubt the changes will make it even better. 8-)
PS, i love my hilux but i dout i would have been able to have gotten as much enjoyment out of it as i have with out this site and all the great people and there info and experiances on it so for that a BIG thanks Dave and everyone.

Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 8:55 +0000
by Hilux Max
good stuff dave, great to see this forum stepping it up a level, it truly deserves it and its great to see not only the regulars on here but also all the new members that continue to sign up.

cant wait to check out the new format.8-)

Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 9:24 +0000
by jason
G'day Dave,

Agree with all the others. Give us call when you have a chance. Long time no chat!!!


Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 9:55 +0000
by 9W6VX

Thank you for your kind words. It is humbling that you think highly of me even though we have never met in person.

I enjoy myself here and as I said before the blokes here are a fantastic bunch. Well behaved and no mud slinging unlike many other forums where it is a free for all.

I leave it to the discretion of Dave, the site owner to decide.

Let's just say that I have made new friends here and it has been a pleasure to get to know many Aussies here.



Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 10:32 +0000
by Cranker
Cheers Dave


Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 12:44 +0000
by Dave
Thanks fellas

I am glad that these sites have turned out to be very helpful for everyone, it's great to see everyone making use of it!

I'm sure with the new setup that I'm going towards everyone will be even happier, just hoping with the extra features it doesn't confuse too many of you :)


Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Fri, 08 Aug 2008 1:27 +0000
by Zac
Another vote for Brendon.
And cheers to you dave and everyone who contributes to this site.


Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Sat, 09 Aug 2008 8:37 +0000
by Glenn k
i think shane summed it up perfectly with what he wrote earlier, he is spot on!!!!!!!!!

we were only all discussing on our last forum trip that it has been 1 year since the 4wd monthly feature photo shoot and we were reminising all the great trips we have already done together and all the great people we have met along the way, and none of this would have been possible without this site.
keep up the great work and looking forward to the upgraded site....(i need a

Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Sat, 09 Aug 2008 10:27 +0000
Good one Dave, Brendon would make a great Moderator. and without blowing my own horn too loud, I would be keen to help out if I can.. This site is only as good as its members, so I should think that everyone here should give themselves a pat on the back for being the friendlies most informative forums I have encountered on the net to date. Cheers guys, and Cheers to you Dave. WEll done. TOMUCH

Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Sat, 09 Aug 2008 5:05 +0000
by 9W6VX
I'll second Mark aka Tomuch as Moderator.

His extensive mechanical experience would be fantastic for all of us here.

To the others who have kind words for me, I thank you.

I am indeed touched considering that I have never met nor gone on a off road trip with any of you.

Hopefully, I will be able to meet some of you on my next vacation when I find the time.



Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 2:33 +0000
by Hilux Max
Ill put my vote in for Brendon and Mark as the 2 moderators. I think thats a good combination dont you?

Forum upgrade

PostPosted: Sun, 10 Aug 2008 3:46 +0000
by Macca
Good onya Mark, you and Brendon will make a great team.
Hope these guys fit in with what you have in mind Dave.
From small seeds.......