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Fuchs Oil - Does anyone use it?

PostPosted: Tue, 06 Oct 2009 4:17 +0000
by adamweedz
Hey Guys,
Just wondering if anyone runs Fuchs Oil in their hilux? As I talked to another hilux owner the other day who has been running it in his (Diesel) and reckons its much better, stays cleaner longer, and engine runs smoother with a bit less noise. So seeing as I had just had my 50,000 km service done 2 days before talking with him I said prove it and we'll look at each others oil color by removing the dipsticks and comparing. Sure enough mine had gone quite dark (nearly black again) within a short peiod of time, and his was a nice dark goldenish color still after 4000kms since changing it.
I was fairly impressed so I wanted to ask the question on here and get some more info before I go and change mine out and put Fuchs in it.

Re: Fuchs Oil - Does anyone use it?

PostPosted: Tue, 06 Oct 2009 4:45 +0000
by Quinny34
Another local boy... good to see...

I hear its good oil mate... but part of that black is your oil doing what its designed to do and clean the motor... Dont get me wrong... Fuchs is a good oil...

It you want to use it... just wait till the next service (although many of us here will drop the oil at 5000 klms between services.).. No biggy either way... a 20 Litre drum should cost you less than $120... PM Crossport for more details... All Terrain Mechanical in Lavi...

Re: Fuchs Oil - Does anyone use it?

PostPosted: Tue, 06 Oct 2009 5:39 +0000
by oldrev
as quinny says
your oil is meant to clean as well as lubricate ur engine.
if ny oil wasn't going black i'd be concerned because it wouldn't be doing its job
just my 2cs worth

Re: Fuchs Oil - Does anyone use it?

PostPosted: Tue, 06 Oct 2009 6:55 +0000
by 9W6VX
Spot on guys. This is what I've been told too......

Re: Fuchs Oil - Does anyone use it?

PostPosted: Wed, 07 Oct 2009 5:33 +0000
by adamweedz
Thanks for the info guys. I reckon I will buy the Fuchs and start changing it every 5000kms like you say. I have only been getting the 10k toyota services so far.
Cheers Adam

PS _ Quinny if I see ya round I'll give you a wave, but out of all the local hiluxs I dont think I have seen yours.