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Something broke!

PostPosted: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 12:36 +0000
by chesh2
Sunday night after parking my 2011 manual, I pulled the handbrake on and let off the clutch. Only to hear a terrible snapping noise. I HAD LEFT THE CAR IN FIRST!!!
Tried moving the car. Clutch worked fine, gear selected reverse and 1st fine. Released clutch ok but any throttle input and a TERRIBLE grinding noise from back of car.
I'm thinking axle or diff. Toyota SEEM to think diff and axles are ok and have checked clutch and suggesting that it may be gearbox.
Anyone have any suggestions or experience with an issue like this.

Something broke!

PostPosted: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 3:22 +0000
by Critter350
It’s not a brake shoe jammed or twisted is it? Seems more likely to me. Jack up the back and see if one wheel wont turn.

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Re: Something broke!

PostPosted: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 7:32 +0000
by chesh2
Thanks Critter350. Great suggestion. Will look into that also.

Re: Something broke!

PostPosted: Tue, 30 Oct 2018 9:00 +0000
by dave g
Drop the oil out of your diff and see if any metal comes out you could do the same with the gearbox and a transfer case the other option is to put the back axles on a stand remove the wheels put some nuts on to hold the brake drums in place and run the engine and run through the gears and see if you can identify where the problem is make sure you choke to front properly on level ground and good steady stands underneath the back remember no wheels just some nuts on a brake drum.

Re: Something broke!

PostPosted: Fri, 02 Nov 2018 6:54 +0000
by chesh2
Well it turns out the transfer case shit the bed. A collar off a input shaft snapped inside the transfer case. Made a small mess but away least no transmission rebuild necessary.
But the new clutch that went in last November has already got hotspots.

The Toyota blokes haven't seen a tranny do that before.
I have joined the club
broken the unbreakable.