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Problems due to short trips?

PostPosted: Mon, 17 Oct 2016 6:01 +0000
by SpinnerDan
I got a new job that's only 9km from my home. Good commute for me but perhaps bad news for my 2015 3.0 D4D SR5. The 'lux barely has time to warm up and I'm there. Combine this with short weekend jaunts down the road to the shops and other brief engine starts and stops during the week, I'm worried that this is not good for my engine not to have a regular decent run. I only did 6000 km in the last 6 months even though I drove it everyday.

I know the older diesels gunged up their oil quickly with repeated short trips. Is it the same with the 3.0 D4D? ..or even worse for this engine with its EGR and turbo? If so, what precautions should I take; e.g. I'm assuming more regular oil changes are needed but how often? Filter too? Anything else? I want this one to last me a long time (I had my last 'lux for 21 years!!) so I'm happy to keep up the maintenance but don't want to go overboard if it ain't necessary.


Re: Problems due to short trips?

PostPosted: Mon, 17 Oct 2016 7:31 +0000
by bloke&tackle
SpinnerDan wrote:I know the older diesels gunged up their oil quickly with repeated short trips.

Your engine is no different, short trips are no good for any engine, petrol motors included.
Not a lot you can do about it, although warming up your engine for 5 or even 10 minutes before you leave for work would help a lot. Just leave it idling while you have your breaky and coffee, you'll be surprised how quickly the temp gauge comes up after you drive off.

Re: Problems due to short trips?

PostPosted: Mon, 17 Oct 2016 7:41 +0000
by Richard
Pushbike, easy as Dan.

Re: Problems due to short trips?

PostPosted: Mon, 17 Oct 2016 8:14 +0000
by flip9
You just need to get the oil to operating temps (10-15mins) and give the engine a good work out here and then.

Use some quality oil as well

Re: Problems due to short trips?

PostPosted: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 5:01 +0000
by SpinnerDan
Thanks guys... I was hoping you'd say, "Don't worry about it; oils and engines these days are so technically advanced it doesn't matter if you only do short trips..." Anyway... long warm-ups and making a concerted effort to go for a longer drive whenever I can seems like the best solution.

Richard wrote:Pushbike, easy as Dan.

ha..ha... that's what the missus said too. Too many hills :)

Re: Problems due to short trips?

PostPosted: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 6:48 +0000
by Gipsy
Dan, synthetic oil may help and regular oil changes at 5k with filter. Take it for a good drive weekly to blow out the cobwebs. Mostly... warm it up for 5 mins before you drive it.

Re: Problems due to short trips?

PostPosted: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 11:33 +0000
by Quinny34
Drive the long way to work....

Re: Problems due to short trips?

PostPosted: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 2:41 +0000
by Offguts-sr5
Just let her warm up for say 5 mins with the power heat on. She'll be right

Re: Problems due to short trips?

PostPosted: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 2:42 +0000
by hylux
Buy a $500 cheap car to drive to work it will save you in the long run

Re: Problems due to short trips?

PostPosted: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 3:25 +0000
by ktm300
Agree get a bomb to drive or buy a push bike . Your hilux wont last long doing short trips they last a lot longer when they work and get serviced on time

Re: Problems due to short trips?

PostPosted: Tue, 18 Oct 2016 4:42 +0000
by Qwerty
ahhh the curse of the DPF finally pervades into the hilux scene.

edit oh wait, i just realised this is a 3.0 d4d.

ignore me.